Saturday, September 11, 2021

MOC: Mini Rolls Royce Meteor.

 Still not 100% happy with it but can't think of how to improve it right now so calling it done for now. Second is a Rolls Royce Meteor,  A V12 engine developed from the Rolls Royce Merlin aero engine.


You can download the .io or .ldr files from bricksafe here:

Monday, August 30, 2021

MOC: Mini Napier Sabre Engine.

First of Several Minifig-ish scale engines I plan on building, A Napier Sabre, A 24 cylinder aero engine used mainly in the Hawker Typhoon and Tempest.


You can download the .io or .ldr files from bricksafe here:

Sunday, August 8, 2021

MOC: 86 -Eighty Six- Juggernaut WIP Part 1.

 I recently decided to build the Juggernaut from 86 -Eighty Six- so I thought I'd post some WIP images of my current progress so far.

As you can see from the next couple of images they are different as I had to finally switch from LDD to Bricklink Studio 2.0 as LDD just doesn't have the a lot of the newer parts.

And thats my current progress so far, Still a few things to change and improve I think but getting there. :)

Thursday, May 4, 2017

MOC: Technic H-24 Engine.

Hello again everyone.

Been a while since I last posted however I'm back with just a fairly small MOC this time, A Working H-24 Engine. Been meaning to post this for a while but only just got around to doing it, Not much to say about it really, It's a fairly simple design for a H-24 24 cylinder engine. For the most part it was inspired by the Napier Sabre engine although it's not a complete model of it as you can see, Just the actual core mechanical part, A generic H-24 engine I suppose. I have plans to put this into a MOC I'm planning on making at some point, Maybe when I finish the current one I'm working on. Anyway, on with the pictures:

I also made it in LDD so I would know how to rebuild it in the future.

A video of it being directly powered by a PF M motor.
The .lxf file can be downloaded from here if you want to see hows it's put together or anything:

Thanks for looking and I hope you liked it. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2016

MOC: Technic B-25 Mitchell

Hello everyone,

Well it's been over a year since I last posted here however I've finally finished my B-25 I've been working on for just over a year and a half. It's had several major rebuilds of certain sections since the WIP topic I posted but It's finally at a point where I can call it finished and start on something else.
Some basic info first, It's wingspan is roughly 3ft (around 92cm), Fuselage length is about 2ft 6in (around 76cm), It has a XL motor for each engine. so that makes two, It has two M motors powering the landing gear and it also has working flaps, ailerons, rudders and elevators (All controlled though the control column and gear wheel in the cockpit.). The top turret can rotate 360 degrees as well. As you may notice in the pictures below I ended up not being able to fit the battery box into the actual model as there just wasn't enough room for it, As it turned out though it came in handy as one of the annoying flaws with this model is it won't actually sit on it's landing gear, It just falls backwards so the battery box was just the right hight to prop it up. I spent a long time thinking about the problem but couldn't come up with a solution for this particular model so it's just something I'll have to keep in mind for future aircraft with tricycle landing gear. Anyway, on with the pictures.

More pictures can be found on Brickshelf:

And on Google Photos:

Finally a Video of it:

Thanks for reading and hopefully the next LEGO MOC will come a little quicker than this one did. ;)

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The LEGO plan for 2015.

With it being the end of 2014 and tomorrow being 2015 I thought I'd talk about what I plan on doing next year so you all have an idea of what to expect on both of my blogs. This post is mainly going to be about my LEGO blog and I will do another post on my main blog talking about what I'm going to be doing over on that one as well.

As you may know I'm still in the process of building the B-25 that I started this year so that will be the main focus of the beginning of 2015 and hopefully I can get it finished in the first month or two. I will also be working on my Nebulon B Frigate on and off throughout next year but hopefully I can also get that finished first half of next year.

On to future projects the first MOC I plan on building after I finish my B-25 will be a Trophy Truck style vehicle that will be fully motorised and have all the usual functions on these sorts of vehicles. After that which shouldn't take to long (Hopefully...) I will be back building another aircraft. I haven't quite decided yet as to which particular aircraft to make but the two top candidates at the moment are either a P-47 Thunderbolt or a Tempest MKII.

One other small thing to mention is I do plan on adding more MOCs to the BrickLink MOC shop next year as well although I do need to actually come up with some ideas first but that's the plan at least.

Thats everything I have planned at the moment as the aircraft will probably be rather large and I may have to buy more pieces so that could slow progress down. On that subject I've been thinking about this for a while now and as you all may know one of the big reasons why it takes me so long to make these LEGO MOCs is that I find it difficult to afford the pieces to build them so if any of you would like to support me in the form of a donation then please do get in touch with me as it would help me out a lot. Anything would be very much appreciated and would help me build these MOCs faster and better.

I think that's everything I wanted to talk about so thanks for reading and have a happy New Year.

Thanks again. :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

MOC: Nebulon-B Frigate in LDD WIP part 11

Just a quick update today as I haven't managed to work on it much this week. I've just been adding a few more details here and there around the model.

LDD screenshot.

Pov-ray render.